
Prayer Wall


We believe that prayer is a conversation with God and when we pray for others, we are  inviting God into the hurt, pain, and hard times we all go through.

Prayer Wall

For the early church, prayer was not an afterthought, or the Christian way to start and end a meeting. Prayer was central then and it must be for us now. This is the purpose of our Prayer Wall. It is a great opportunity to intercede for one another. If you need prayer, feel free to ask - it is open to everyone.

Please help us maintain a welcoming and prayerful community experience. Avoid inappropriate language, divisive messages, or use of personal information, including full names.  Requests can be submitted anonymously.  Simply fill out the form below. We typically approve posts to be live on the wall within 24 hours.  We reserve the right to modify posts to remove information that is deemed confidential or to not make posts live.

Select either “Prayer” or “Praise” to toggle between the different prayer items.

Prayer for victory and deliverance

Pray For This

 Please God, protect me from evil. I need that better than ever at the moment. Please hold my hand. Do not let me go. I need you God. In the name of jesus im saying I need you God please take care of me.  Amen.

Prayer for father and son

Pray For This

Please pray that G would be a Father to his biological son and provide all of his needs mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and financial in Texas!!!

Home restored

Pray For This

Please Pray M and B would have their physical home in Reno/Sparks restored according
Isaiah 61:7.

Pray for our marriage

Pray For This

Please pray for my wife and I to cancel the divorce. May God intervene, restore our communication, and reunite us in His love. In Jesus’ name, Amen  Chris

Prayer for work

Pray For This

Hi God, It’s me again.  I have no job yet. I need one. so I can find my class fees and give some money to my mom. Please help me with anything I am willing to do to earn money right now. Please, I need your help. God. I need a job. Please pray for me. Amen.

Prayer for our marriage

Pray For This

Please pray for our marriage. My wife has separated from me. She says we have no emotional connection and she refuses to try and repair it. I am working everyday to do what I can to hold the family together.

Prayer for sleep

Pray For This

Please pray That the Lord will help me sleep well for many nights to come and not let me have anxiety but peace and confidence about the upcoming meeting at work about my Job. Please pray for the Lord to Deliver me from those who would try to cause me troubles and overload me like a pack mule



Pray For This

 I am asking God to please help me find Him and seek for Him again with all my heart and in Spirit and truth. I have had 2 head injuries and the last 2 years have been difficult and spiritual battles have tripled. I have found myself gradually falling away from God and tripping alot. Please pray for me to fall in love with Him again and to overcome these obstacles within me. Thank you so much.


Pray For This

Please pray for Noah for peace and healing.  Please also pray for Shay, Marg Connor and Patrick that they continue to trust in God’s healing power and provision.


Pray For This

Please pray for salvation for my dear ex husband and 3 young adult children. They rejected me after I became a Christian, and I haven’t had any contact with them for 17 months. I am trying to trust God through the loneliness, really struggling.


Pray For This

Please pray for peace in my heart and favour in my new job in Jesus Name. Amen.


Pray For This

Please pray for my dad, who had to undergo an emergency surgery two weeks ago after his tumour perforated his intestine. This resulted in his cancer treatment being paused for a temporary period of time until he has recovered from the surgery, which the doctors have expressed is concerning. I would appreciate prayers for his complete healing as well as wisdom for the medical team to decide on the path forward.


Pray For This

Please pray for my cousin named Wyatt. He’s 9. He has cancer in his lungs. Doctors said he only has 3 months to live.


Pray For This

Please pray for Ron & Beth’s son Nate, whose legs suddenly gave way on him while at work, and who is in debilitating pain. By God’s grace he has an MRI this week. Pray for the diagnosis, treatment and direction for the future.


Pray For This

I am needing prayers please for Mario and I to stay strongly connected. There has been a stressful situation and hope for our relationship to become strong.


Pray For This

For my family. In 2015 James and I suffered the tragic and unexpected loss of our 14 year old son Liam. Our eldest daughter cut us out of her life and was estranged until  Christmas 2021. I had 4 Major surgeries between 2019 and 2020. 2019 labour day weekend my dad was diagnosed with glioblastoma (terminal brain cancer) He was 69. 4.5 months later he died on January 3,2020 which was 3 days before the fifth anniversary of our son’s death. My dad was cremated on that anniversary 3 days later. Our family now has Covid. We need prayers for the every day  struggle of dealing with confusion, anger and overwhelming grief and loss of all these events.
My double knee replacements have taken me out of the wheelchair I lived in for 3 years and now I only need it for  long excursions
Our eldest son Aidan is a navigator in the Navy posted to Halifax NS and after his first major deployment and being home for my dad’s death, he was church hunting in February, 2020 and he met his now wife, right before the first covid lockdown. They were married in October,2021. We thank God for the gift and support she is and placing her in our son’s life at just the right time!


Pray For This

Pray for Springvale Youth and Kids as we search for the right individuals to lead these two ministries.


Pray For This

Please pray for Val’s nephew Kenny, who is in critical condition after a motorcycle accident. Also pray for Kenny’s whole family.


Pray For This

Pray for two people whose mothers have passed away: Zig and Jen.


Pray For This

Our family is struggling through mountains of changes in a short period of time that will have an impact on the financial strains upon us for a really long time. Please help us pray for God’s wisdom in how we handle the financial troubles and crisis that is coming at us from all directions and His guidance in how we should navigate all this. We pray for His protection of our family through all this and that He will provide answers to our prayers and help us manage the pain and suffering of going through it all.


Pray For This

My nephew is diabetic and had 2 dangerous lows in the last couple of days. Please pray for healing, wisdom and peace for all parties involved.


Pray For This

Pray for Salome as she continues to battle cancer


Pray For This

May you please pray that the Lord will restore a friendship with a particular friend. And protect it from outside influences.


Pray For This

Pray for my son Devin to recover from a recently acquired head injury.


Pray For This

Pray that my father finds peace after the burial ceremony of my mother, his wife. Pray that the doctors will decide whether I need chemotherapy post surgery and also if the stoma bag should be removed quicker than what was stated.


Celebrate This

Praise God for the spirit and unity at Springvale and the wonderful family time @ Come Together


Celebrate This

Praise God for His faithfulness during times of trouble.  Bible quote “No Temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure”.


Celebrate This

The doctors have told me and the family that all the cancer is gone!  God has been walking with me, all along and helped me through pre-surgery, chemo and surgery and I am feeling much better.


Submit Prayer

Thank you for inviting us to pray with you. Please note that all items are reviewed before posting. If you have any questions, please contact us at pray@springvale.org