

Life is an adventure. And while we all have different experiences along the way, it is a journey that we are meant to do together. We invite you to join the climb with us.

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“...yea, if you’re a Christian!” he snorted derisively. Even slouched in my seat at the back of the room, I could see the slightest hint of a smile creep across the professor’s face, betraying her agreement with the student’s flippant comment. During my undergraduate education,

Issues I Face

Everyone is confronted with challenges in life. Anxiety, loss and grief, addiction, bad relationships, stress - the list goes on. None of us are immune to issues. But what you are facing is not unique. No matter how dark, shame-filled, or overwhelming it may feel to you, someone else has been there. We want to provide you with some helpful, confidential resources. We're here for you.

Issues I face

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COVID did a number on my older teenagers. They were caught in some identity-building years that were essentially deleted once the lockdowns started – graduations, sports teams, dating, welcome week at university, finding their people/fit. During this time, they were in an emotional and mental

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Hebrews: Walking in the Valleys

Valleys are symbolic of winds that blow, going slow, and feeling low.  Valleys are often the places we most frequently forget the incredible gifts God has poured into and onto us in Christ.  The writer of Hebrews writes to people that had chosen to follow Jesus but began to experience valley living.  The valleys  were so deep for some of the people that they were walking away from Jesus.  But rather than excoriating people for leaving, the writer reminds them of what they had forgotten: what does it profit a person if they gain the whole world but lose their soul. And within the 13 chapters of Hebrews, the writer reminds the Hebrew Christians why the pursuit of Jesus, and Jesus alone, can fulfill their souls.

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