If you would like to partner with Springvale financially in order to further God’s impact in York Region and beyond, please refer to the links below.

If you have any questions regarding contributing to Springvale financially, please contact Joyce Johnson


Learn more about our 2024 Christmas Offering

Legacy Giving

At Springvale we offer free, confidential estate plan consultations thru Advisors With Purpose—an organization that helps church members fulfill their desire to be faithful stewards of assets that will be left behind in their estate and will.


To find out more about how you can leave a lasting legacy on the charities and ministries dear to your heart, please check out the links below, or contact plan@advisorswithpurpose.ca or joyce@springvale.org

Refund Policy

Springvale Baptist Church will refund money for a paid event should the event be cancelled. If a participant is unable to attend an event / program that they paid for, a refund may be possible but is at the discretion of the organizer. Normally there is no refund on donations but we acknowledge there may be instances in which a gift is made in error, such as a wrong amount or duplicate entry.

Shipping Policy

It is not the practice of Springvale to ship / mail any purchased tickets or goods purchased through Springvale. Individuals will be able to pick up their items at the church as indicated by the respective ministries.