Core Classes


Our Core Classes are designed to create the foundation on which people can know God deeper and how we fit in His redemptive story.

Bible Study

If you have any questions please email Dustin Boreland

More Information

Many believers know what the Bible says, but struggle with how to study, interpret and apply the Bible to their lives. Core classes provide an active learning space for everyone to experience deeper discipleship and spiritual formation. We are currently developing three core classes with the hope that everyone has an opportunity to complete each class over a 3 year period;

  • Christian Story
  • Christian Beliefs
  • Christian Formation

Christian Formation

Winter 2025

Robert Mulholland defines the Christian life as the process of “being formed into the image of Christ for the sake of others.” The Christian faith isn’t simply about knowing and believing, but about who we are becoming, as we follow Jesus. Everyday, we are ‘becoming’ someone, largely through the habits that make up our daily lives. The Bible provides us with specific habits and rhythms for us to work out our Christian identity. This 10-week class will deepen your understanding of the core Christian habits and equip you with practical tools for living all of life in light of the Gospel.

  • Tuesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 PM
  • January 14 – April 1
  • Lead Teacher: Dustin Boreland
  • Cost: $40
  • Register HERE



Childcare is available for children in SK-Grade 5. No formal program or snacks will be provided, but your children will have a safe space to hang out, do homework or relax. Please note that space is limited and registration is required for the entire session, with no-drop ins allowed.

Christian Story

The Bible is the most printed, most read, most translated, and most influential literary work of all time. Many people are familiar with specific stories from the Bible, but are not familiar with the overarching story of the Bible. We believe that the Bible is the true story of reality, defining God’s purposes for creation and humanity. This class introduces you to the grand narrative of the Bible, as a library of writings that tells one, unified story pointing us to Jesus.


Whether you are new to the Christian faith or have followed Jesus for many years, this 10-week core class will help you understand the true story of creation and how to find your place within it.


Christian Beliefs


The word “theology” simply means “thoughts about God”. The theologian A.W. Tozer once wrote, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” How do you describe who God is and what God is like? How does what we “believe” about God shape how we live our daily lives? Christian theology isn’t simply “learned,” but it is lived out. In one way, the beliefs that matter most aren’t those that exist in our heads, but those that shape how we live.


Our Christian Beliefs core class offers a comprehensive overview of the key Christian teachings that form the foundation of the Christian faith. Together we’ll explore what we believe, why we believe it, and how these beliefs impact our daily lives.


Everyone is a theologian. Join us this fall as we learn to “do” Christian theology together in light of who Jesus is and what Jesus calls us to.