Bible Study


Now more than ever, Christians must grow in their skills to read and interpret their bibles so they can know God deeper and understand how his redemptive story is relevant for the world today.

Classes on books of the Bible with teaching and small group discussion

If you have any questions please email us.

More Information

How well do you know your Bible? While we live in an unprecedented time with Christians having access to God’s Word and teaching, biblical literacy is also at an all-time low. Our Bible studies are designed to draw you into active learning of God’s Word. We walk through entire books of the Bible with the goal of training you to understand, interpret and apply the text in a way that spurs transformation. 


Our purpose is threefold;

  • To make people better students of the Bible
  • To increase love for God and love for others
  • To create a place of community and belonging

Daniel: Faithfulness in Exile


Daniel is a fascinating book filled with story, visions, prophecy and apocalyptic literature. It is the story of a man, taken from his homeland to live the rest of his days in Babylon, in exile. A Jew in a strange land with gods, traditions, language, and cultural practices far different than his own, Daniel seeks to remain faithful to the one true God YHWH in the midst of intense opposition. And in all of this, over several years, God reveals to Daniel, pictures of the future that are hard to understand and yet leave him with hope. Join us as we discover what it means to be faithful in exile as we hold onto God’s promises for the future. 


Women’s Bible Study

  • Tuesday mornings, 9:30-11:00 AM
  • January 14-April 1

  • Lead Teachers: Lillian Boyd & Lori Doner-Jones
  • Cost: $30
  • Register HERE

Men & Women’s Bible Study

  • Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 PM
  • January 15 – April 2
  • Lead Teachers: Lester Lau & Lillian Boyd
  • Cost $30
  • Register HERE



Childcare is available for both the Women’s morning study (birth to 3 years old) and for the Men & Women’s evening study (Sk-grade 5). Please note that for the evening class no formal program or snacks will be provided but your children will have a safe space to hang out, do homework or relax.


Space is limited, if you have other options available to you, we ask that you take advantage of them to accommodate others. Register below.

  • Tuesday Mornings: 0-3 years
  • Wednesday Evenings: Sk-Grade 5
  • We will not be charging a fee this session
  • No drop-in allowed