April 2025

Have questions about The Big Give? Connect with our leaders directly – send us an email.

The Big Give is an opportunity for us as a church to be generous through loving, serving and giving to organizations in our communities.  It helps create a culture in our church that calls us to action and gives us the opportunity to make a big difference.  Will you join in?


We can make a difference by loving others in simple and intentional ways. We do this because we want people to know that they are loved and that they matter.


Join one of our serve teams around York Region. Sign-up as a family, Life Group or individual…there are opportunities for everyone!


Since 2021 we have been coming alongside organizations in our community to help them with the work they are already doing.  We have raised over $34,000!  We have chosen 3 organizations in York Region that we are hoping to assist with some needed items which will help them better serve their clientele.

More Information


When we serve and give, we show God’s love. We can make a difference by loving others in simple and intentional ways. We do this because we want people to know that they are loved and that they matter: Serve + Give= Love


There are many ways we can show love to those around us. The serve and give options below are are some corporate ways we are showing love as a church. We encourage everyone to also look for individual ways to love others in your workplace, school and neighbourhoods.


Come pick up a door hanger from the table in the foyer and hang them on homes in the community letting  them know that they are loved.


When we serve, we make a difference.  We will be helping non profit organizations and community initiatives so that they can better help the people that they serve! See details on each project below and then use the red buttons to sign up.

Friday, April 4: Inn From the Cold Meal

April 4th, 12:30-4pm  Inn from the Cold is a shelter in Newmarket. They provide meals for those who are in need in the community. We will be purchasing food and then cooking it and getting it ready to be served to those who come. 

Sunday, April 6: Bless Community Workers

April 6, 12:00-1:00PM. We will be purchasing donuts from Tim Hortons and delivering them to local community workers at the Fire Station, Police Station and Public Works.

Wednesday, April 9: Richmond Hill Food Bank

On April 9 from 11:45AM – 2:00PM we will be sorting food into boxes for families in need, as well as organizing the storage room. 

Saturday, April 12: Willow Grove Camp

On Saturday April 12, 9am-12pm, we have the opportunity to serve at Willow Grove Camp (11737 McCowan Road Stouffville). 

We will be helping with trail and bush maintenance: brush clearing, burn piles and trimming the trees in the orchard.


Friday, April 25: Inn from the Cold Meal

April 25 from 12:30-4pm. Inn from the Cold is a shelter in Newmarket. They provide meals for those who are in need in the community.  We will be purchasing food and then cooking it and getting it ready to be served to those who come. 

Saturday, April 26: Serve a Senior

Saturday April 26, 10am-1pm. There are many seniors in our community who need help with some household chores, car cleaning, garages swept out etc.  We will be coming alongside them and helping them with these different tasks. This might be fun to do as a life group  

Saturday, April 26: Willow Springs Camp (Youth &YA Only)

On Saturday, April 26 from 10am-1pm all Young Adults along with Junior High and Senior High students and their Youth Leaders have the opportunity to serve at Willow Springs Camp (4408 Bethesda Rd. Stouffville).  We will be cleaning buildings and cabins, as well as bush removal and burning wood.


Sunday, April 27: Community Clean Up

On Sunday April 27, 12:00-2:00PM we will be collecting garbage in 2 locations in Stouffville.



When we give, we make a difference.  We have closely chosen organizations in our community that have some significant needs in order to minister to those they impact.

PROJECT 1:  Community Food Share Project – 280 Davis Dr, Newmarket

There are 150 co-op housing apartments that are part of the  Food Share Program that they run out of the basement. As there is not enough coming in monthly from foodbanks  to cover all the families in need, they have created a Food Share Program.


OUR GOAL: Provide needed items to help fill up the pantry in their building:

  • Cereal (multi grain Cheerios, Shreddies)
  • Bar body wash
  • School style snacks
  • Toothpaste.  
  • 2 in 1 shampoo conditioner.
  • Tooth brushes (child and adult SOFT)
  • Deodorant (mens and women)
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Diapers
  • Baby wipes

Items will be collected throughout the month of April. Donations can be placed in the bin in the foyer of the church marked The BIG GIVE

PROJECT 2: “GO Boxes” for Abuse Hurts

Abuse Hurts provides hope through accessible support, healing and individual empowerment for adult survivors, their families and caregivers.


Abuse Hurts is a charitable organization that has served Canadians since 1993. The centre’s mandate is to significantly reduce the incidence and impact of abuse through education and public awareness. The centre also provides access to support, healing and individual empowerment for adult survivors, their families and caregivers.


OUR GOAL: Create 100 “GO Boxes”Approx. $100 per box 


This would be great for a lifegroup to do together. Everyone pitches in a little money and then go shopping together to fill a box with the items below:


PROJECT 3: Change for Safe Hope

We are going to fill up a big plastic Water Container with loose change that we will donate to SafeHope Home


SafeHope Home seeks to break the cycle of exploitation of young women through a unique and comprehensive long-term recovery program of 3 to 7 years. They provide housing, help in obtaining post-secondary education, counselling, recovery, life skills, job preparedness classes, job shadowing and on the job training.